• 75 reviews
Lean Library
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Lean Library
Lean Library
Lean Library
Lean Library

A Game-Changing Chrome Extension to Unlock Access to Academic Papers

Are you tired of hitting roadblocks when trying to access academic papers for your research? Look no further! Introducing a revolutionary Chrome extension that has transformed my academic journey - the Library Access Chrome extension.

Why Library Access?

With a total rating of 3.05 out of 5 based on user reviews, the Library Access Chrome extension has become an indispensable tool for students, researchers, and academics. This game-changing extension provides seamless access to a vast library of scholarly articles that were once locked behind paywalls.

Unleashing the Power of Academic Knowledge

Imagine having the ability to dive into a world of academic knowledge without any barriers. The Library Access Chrome extension does just that. It empowers users to explore a plethora of academic papers, giving them the opportunity to expand their research horizons and enhance their understanding of a wide range of subjects.

How It Works

The Library Access Chrome extension works its magic by detecting when you stumble upon a paywalled academic paper. It then automatically checks if your institution has access to that paper through its vast network of subscribed libraries and databases. If access is available, the extension seamlessly unlocks the paper, giving you free rein to dive into the knowledge it holds.

Transforming Your Research Experience

Gone are the days of frustration when you hit a paywall while conducting your research. With the Library Access Chrome extension, you can bid farewell to the limits imposed by restricted access. Say hello to a world of information at your fingertips!

Key Features of Library Access

  • Easy installation and setup process
  • Seamless integration with your Chrome browser
  • Automatic detection and unlocking of paywalled academic papers
  • Extensive library coverage, ensuring access to a wide range of sources
  • Regular updates and improvements to enhance your experience

Enhancing Your Academic Journey

The Library Access Chrome extension is not just a tool; it's a game-changer. By eliminating the barriers to accessing academic papers, it opens up endless possibilities for your research and study. No longer will you be limited by paywalls or restricted access. With this extension, you'll skyrocket your productivity and take your academic journey to new heights.

Unlock the world of academic knowledge today with the Library Access Chrome extension. Experience the freedom to explore, discover, and learn like never before!

Easy access to academic papers.

Approved by libraries for reliable use.

75 reviews
14 Reviews For This Extension
Amy Arnold

I work for the NHS and this saves me money as it directs me to freely available medical papers rather than paywalled ones.

Amy Sparrow

This extension saves me loads of time when searching for academic papers.

Mike B

Greetings, I'm not able to get in at all.. It tells me that I am successfully logged in, but it does not get redirected to the library. Spent hours figuring it out and still unsuccessful.

Simon Andreas

In principle it works really well, but it clashes with Mendeley. When I login to Scopus using my University account, Lean Library is conflicting with that account as well. This prevents me from importing references to Mendeley from Scopus and consequently I have to pause the Lean Library extension.

Sarah Marvin

It tells me I have access to an article, and when I click, it takes me back to the paywall article. When I try to log in through lean open access to read the article, I have the option, but what is my login? I cannot for the life of me find anywhere where I created or can view or even create an account or log in. I've sent notifications to both my possible email addresses and received nothing.

Swati Jain

It keeps refreshing every 1 second even when I know I have access to the article. I have re-installed it and will update if the problem persists.


Hi there, This was useful for a bit (although it often redirects me back to the same article?? And redirects me to an article when I'm already able to access the one that I'm currently viewing???) However A few days ago, it started interfering with the Google Translate website. Just now I went through all my extensions, disabling them one by one. I can confirm that this extension is the problem. In Translate, when I am typing, some of the letters don't pass through to the input box. From a bit of testing, it appears that something is causing the input box to lose input focus, approximately at 1Hz. Please check this out! I have no idea why an extension such as this would be doing such a thing with the input focus. Very strange. And, naturally, I cannot use it because Translate is a core part of my daily life. Thanks for this extension all the same, it is a useful concept. Judging by the other reviews, it seems that the code is not written well, cleanly, and/or it is badly designed because the kind of bugs people are mentioning just don't really align with a piece of software that is simply meant to provide access to academic papers! So, please go back and refactor the code, ensure that it isn't doing unnecessary functions, whatever whatever. I notice that the last update was on 25th July, so being 5 days ago, that would coincide with the beginning of this bug.

James H

I am not sure what happened, but there must have been an update or something, as now there are just too many click and options to choose from. And when searching online odd search results keep popping up on my screen. All very confusing.

Mike K

It used to be really annoying and refresh every page every second. But since a week or so (when I reinstalled it) it has been performing great.

Vinee Purohit

Cannot access it when I need it. Will show up when I dont 'talk to a librarian'. Previous version was 100,000 fold better.

Oscar Hill

Strange and frustrating bug where this application keeps refreshing my page/switching me back and forth between pdfs. It might be that it interacts badly with Zotero, in which case I know which I'm keeping!

Cees Jol

Occasionally uses nearly 100% GPU for lengthy periods. M1 Max, Monterey 12.5

Daniel Korchinski

The pop-up and redirect are often mistimed or useless. For example, when browsing wikipedia on "Maxwell's equations" I don't need a message saying that "full text alternatives exist" with an option to access a textbook on Clifford algebras. Some redirects or log-ins are useless. For example, I have to disable the extension to access "https://authors.aps.org/" without being kicked into a redirect loop when trying to submit a paper for publication! I don't need a proxy to access the paper submission site. A similar issue (minus the redirect loop) occurs when reading open-access or free access articles: I don't need to be logged in to access these, so the redirect / log-in procedure is just a time waste. Finally, there are times when I arrive at a page I SHOULD have access to, and the extension sits there like a useless lump and does nothing, e.g. go to physical review E, click on the first interesting looking paywalled article, click the "pdf" option, and I'm told I don't have access.

Sage Blodgett

If it worked it would be amazing... but it doesn't. Don't waste your time nor storage space on this extention

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